
Isolation Joints

  • Monolithic isolation joints cover the full range of isolation joints for service line (class PN10), for pipelines (ANSI 150, ANSI 300, ANSI 400, ANSI 600) and for district heating (for high temperature-+140°C- fluids). These isolation joints are supplied from stock. Browse the full range of our insulating joints
  • Custom isolation joints are made to order and meet the specifications set by the customer. Custom isolation joints are delivered to the customer with all the supporting documentation required to certify that the product complies with the technical specifications. Submit an inquiry to the sales office to get a quotation 

All the isolation joints manufactured by Meccanica Segrino comply with API-ASME-UNI CIG specifications

> Standards, regulations and publications related to the isolation joints industry
Service line insulating joints PN10
Service line insulating joints (PN10)
Main line insulating joints (ANSI 150)
Main line insulating joints (ANSI 150)
Meccanica Segrino - Main line insulating joints (ANSI 300-600)
Main line insulating joints (ANSI 300-600)
Giunti isolanti-dielettrici per il teleriscaldamento
Giunti isolanti-dielettrici per il teleriscaldamento
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Meccanica Segrino - service-line-insulating-pn10
Service line insulating (PN10)
Service line
Meccanica Segrino Main line insulating joints (ANSI 150)
Main line insulating joints (ANSI 150)
Main line
insulating joints
(ANSI 150)
Main line insulating joints (ANSI 300-600)
Main line insulating joints (ANSI 300-600)
Main line
insulating joints
(ANSI 300-600)
District heating insulating joints
District heating insulating joints

District heating
insulating joints

Censis: “32% of Italian water is lost along the distribution network "

Insulating joints are a very important component to reduce the substantial amount of water lost along the water distribution network. Indeed insulating joint avoids that corrosion provokes ruptures of pipes and mainlines resulting in water leaks along the network. 


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